Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Recce: Upcoming Rallycross

There is an upcoming Rallycross run by the SCCA near Geneseo, NY on February 16th 2008. I am considering taking my car (WRX Wagon) to play in the snow/mud. However, since I am not an SCCA member it will cost me $50. Also I will need a helmet, although they might have some (the organizer still hasn't returned my email) it would be nice to have one that does not smell like someone else's sweat. Eh, I will probably just put up with some sweat drenched one. Driving is driving.

Whenever it snows enough I have been "practicing" in RIT's parking lots and getting a feel for how the car handles in snow. I am told by UpstateAWD that RIT will charge me with 'reckless driving' if I am caught. Although I have had Campus Safety drive up and watch me for a bit, then when I notice them I leave. That is all they really want me to do, leave so they do not have to get out of their SUV.

Regardless of whether or not Campus Safety is going to charge me with 'reckless driving' I am going to practice. Team O'Neil has been emailing me with this years schedule and if I could only afford it this year I totally would do it again. Why? Their left foot braking has worked charmingly in my car. Also their teaching me how to play with weight transfer has really helped in the loose stuff.

More to come later.